December flew by, I can't believe that 2010 is over. Ethan is doing amazing, he is getting SO big and he is on the move! He army crawls through the house; we have reached the point where you can't leave him somewhere and expect him to be there if you walk away! He keeps us on our toes, but it is so much fun. We are starting to give him more table food, a process that I find incredibly stressful because I am horrified of choking. So far, Ethan has had mashed sweet potatoes and white potatoes, whole wheat noodles, bread, gerber puffs, and banana. He seems to like everything, it just takes a few tries to get him used to the new textures and he seems to be learning to chew (although its difficult since he still has no teeth). I think practice will definately make perfect, and hopefully help mommy to relax a bit.
Part 1 of Christmas was so wonderful, we went to Bushia and Grandpa Jablonski's house and spent the day with family, we had 4 babies all under 1 year old, it was chaos......but the best Christmas yet. Ethan of course got lots of wonderful presents, but I think his favorite thing was the wrapping paper?
Christmas part 2 takes place this weekend in Iowa where we will get to see more family and Ethan will get even more spoiled, we are looking forward to it. Adam and I will be bringing Lucy on this trip and we realized that there was no hope of us fitting Ethan, Lucy, and ALLLL of Ethan's stuff, along with Christmas presents, SO......we rented a mini van. I bet in my next post I will be telling you all that we purchased a mini van, YIKES!
December was a GREAT month for pictures of our little man....check him out below
Waiting in line to meet Santa

Ethan thought Santa was facinating

Christmas morning at the Pulse house

Merry Christmas

Like I said, he loved the wrapping paper

Playing with some new toys in his stylish outfit

We managed to get a picture with them all awake, they just weren't all happy about it

Testing out his new wagon

Finally a picture with his Great Grandpa Ted