Ethan is officially 6 months old; today was his 6 month doctor visit. They started out taking his height (27 1/2 inches) and weight (18 pounds 13 ounces); he is in the 75th percentile for both. The doctor was very pleased with his progress both physically and developmentally. He is a pro at rolling every which way and he can now get up on all fours; he just hasn't figured out that he needs to lift his head and he doesn't quite know how to get crawling? Our instructions were to increase his solids each day; he will now start getting 4-6oz of solids three times per day and we will continue to follow that with some formula. This means he will be moving on to the Gerber Stage 2 foods. There is a lot more variety which I know Ethan will LOVE....he is a really great eater! She also said that he can have some juice once a day as well as some water. We have already given Ethan a starter cup to learn to use. It is still a little heavy for him to hold on his own, but he is getting the idea. She told us that in the coming months we can look forward to him starting to sit up on his own, crawl, pull himself up, and we might see some teeth soon. Check out our little 6 month old....
6 month crib picture
Practicing with his new cup
Hanging out in my Bumbo......GO BEARS!
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