Batman Cake for a Batman Birthday
Ethan's first of many presents....and of course Batman balloons!
At the children's muesum Ethan learned how to paint
"Captain Ethan"
Here Ethan is reading about bugs and animals
Playing in a tree house
"Oh, what's that" Ethan saw his reflection in a mirror across the way
Little Mozart....
Ethan didn't really like the taste of the birthday cake, but that didn't stop him for getting a little dirty! Typical little boy.
Ethan showing off his big boy bike from mommy and daddy.
He had quite a day and I think his first birthday is well documented! On Sunday we went to Sears for some 1st birthday pictures. Ethan did a great job considering it was 1000 degrees in there, and the photographer did a great job considering Ethan kept trying to grab the camera and wouldn't stay still for 2 seconds at a time! Check out our photo shoot......

It wasn't all fun and games...

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