Tuesday, February 14, 2012

December and January

The past few months have been crazy in the Pulse household. We made it through the holidays in one piece, but barely =). Christmas was so much fun this year, Ethan was really excited about opening gifts, we saw Santa, family, friends and ate lots of good food. We went to Iowa the week before Christmas this year and got to spend time at Grandpa Ron's house and Grandma Pam & Grandpa Gary's house....Ethan was a trooper and had a great trip! I think Ethan's favorite gifts this year all had to do with cooking; it started out with a new kitchen from Grandma Pam & Grandpa Gary. To go along with the kitchen he got some pots and pans, food to practice cutting and a shopping cart; we are happy to announce he still loves them all! When we got home, we celebrated Christmas morning at home as a family, it was so much fun. When Ethan woke up Christmas morning, I brought him downstairs where he saw his new table and chairs with more gifts on top of it. When Ethan says "sit" it sounds like "shit," so we have him on the video saying "Oh Shit" when he sees the table....he loved it and we use it to color, play with playdoh and do puzzles. Ethan has grown so much, we can't believe it. He can actually occupy himself and sit still long enough to do a puzzle or listen to us read a book to him. That is a fairly new and very exciting milestone for us! He is really into his "Marley Goes to School" book from Auntie Michelle, he picks it out of a crowd of books each night as he says "Marley, Marley". By this time, Adam and I have memorized all the pages...So, for Valentines Day today we are giving Ethan some new Marley books that I found on amazon with a Marley stuffed dog. We will see if he has any interest? Adam and I sure hope so! Ethan's vocabulary continues to grow and grow and the boy has even started to give me attitude. The other day I was trying to get him ready for daycare so I could go to work and I said, "Ethan, please can we get your coat on?" He replied, "Mommy, OK...GEEZ." Yes, he said Geez to me! He has also started to question us, like if he asks for something or asks to watch his "show" and we say no, he will ask us, "Why Mommy." I really didn't think all of that would start so soon! He is starting to put words together more and he knows so many words I couldn't even begin to tell you them all, he just LOVES to talk. I foresee lots of calls from teachers in our future....

As I am sure most people reading this already know, Ethan is going to be a big brother! I am not sure Ethan can really understand what it means but he kisses my belly and says "hi baby." He says we should name the baby, "E" after him. I am not sure that will work for a little GIRL! Yes, that's right, Adam and I decided to find out the sex of the baby this time around, and all signs point to a girl. Poor little Ethan is surrounded by girls...thank God for his big cousin Brady! We are very happy, but really only care about a happy, healthy baby.

The past few months in the Pulse household have also been filled with more construction! We have decided to finish our basement and it is WELL on the way to being completed. It was a very big job but with the help of amazing family and friends we will have added an additional bedroom, bathroom and family room. At this point, who knows where we will end up, but at least if we stay on Elm Street we have an amazing house with somewhere to put all the toys!

Check out pictures from the past few months.......

To start off the Christmas season, we had a playdate with some new friends and Ethan and I made our first Ginger Bread House. From this angle it looks pretty good, but the walls were collapsing by the time Adam got home, oops...

Christmas in Iowa

Merry Christmas!

Ethan was not too happy with Santa this year! He was interested in looking at Santa from a distance or talking about Santa...but when we put him on Santa's lap he flipped out!

Christmas at Busia and Papa's; Ethan and Lorraine

Happy New Year! This year we found out about a kids new years party at a nearby restaurant. It was from 5:30-7:00 and they served a buffet dinner and had dancing and a countdown for the kids. Ethan and Carly loved it and danced the night away. We were all home in bed by 7:30, it was perfect! Next year we hope to plan better and have a nice group to go with.

Silly Ethan with his buddy Lucy

Ethan's first experience with snow, he actually didn't care for it as much as I thought he would. He was concerned about his boots getting wet. He seemed to be more interested in sitting inside and looking out the window at other people in the snow. I am SURE that will change soon enough.

"Sledding" with Papa

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