Showers are a funny thing, lots of women get together all for the purpose of “showering” another woman with gifts to help her start a phase in her life. I happen to be one of the rare gals that actually like going to these showers. I like the eating and talking, and everyone knows I am a huge fan of games; this type of event is what I would call a good time. However, when the shower is your own it comes with a bit more stress and a few more responsibilities…..
After the initial greeting and the meal is complete, the guest of honor (and usually her poor fiancĂ© or husband) stands up in front of a group of women to open a large amount of presents. While this probably sounds like a fairly easy task and one that should be a ton of fun, it is also quite awkward and a bit stressful. You see, all of the guests were invited to this party where they are asked to bring a present from a specific list that was created by the “showered” herself. They are then forced to sit back and wait while she opens all of these gifts. As the guest of honor it is your job to provide some commentary and keep things moving along quickly....I hope that Adam and I did not disappoint!
We want to thank everyone for coming. Because of you, the shower was a huge success and we managed to achieve a lot. For instance, Adam is now ready for diaper duty with his “Diaper Change Survival Belt;” after extensive medical research and a poll taken, it was determined that I must be having a boy since I do not have a hairy stomach; and unlike my bridal shower there were no open fires started! All things considered, I think we accomplished the task at hand and managed to have a wonderful time. Although, I do think I heard Adam say, “I am SO glad this is the last shower that I will ever have to go to!” Anyway, thanks to everyone for their incredible generosity…..enjoy some pictures.
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