The biggest thing in our lives right now is my pregnant belly; I am 33 weeks along and the countdown is definitely on. I am not sure about Adam, but I know I am ready for this kid to get here so that maybe I will be able to touch my toes again, or go for longer than an hour in the day without visiting the restroom; besides all of that, I am ready to meet the little munchkin that has been kicking me and using my organs as punching bags! We aren’t sure if we are having a girl or a boy, but I can tell you they are going to come into this world with some muscle.
We had our third trimester ultrasound last week (32 weeks) and baby Pulse’s development is right on track, measuring in the 55th percentile in regards to his/her size. The ultrasound weighed the baby in at 4 pounds and 9 ounces. Our next appointment is February 25th so we will keep you posted.
I wanted to include some pictures of how far we have come. The first picture is an inside view, this is from our last ultrasound and its a 3D image of baby Pulse sleeping on his/her little arm; the next one is of my belly at only 12 weeks (will I ever look like that again); and the last picture is at week 32 (what a change, huh?).

So cute Cheryl! Can't wait to hear the good news!--Darlene